Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sturgis: The trip home, the breakdowns, Dog Leg Preacher's drummer gets finger amputated!

The Legendary Buffalo Chip, what else can be said? The Chip is the host to the largest and wildest outdoor party in the world. They run a first class establishment and a full week of performing there is an incredible experience. The look on Ozzy's face when the audience responded with not only cheers and applause, but the roaring of thousands of V twin engines was incredible, for only a moment he looked confused, like perhaps something was wrong with the PA system, or the monitors, and then as soon as he realized where the sound was coming from, to see the huge smile cover his face was absolutely priceless. This is only one example of the wonderful experiences that happen at this great venue every year. IF you have not been to the Legendary Buffalo Chip during rally week, it is something that needs to be on your list!!
Dog Leg Preacher rocked the house at the Chip this year!! All that needs to be said is that DLP delivered a world class performance worth remembering. DLP also made many great new freinds from around the world. Places like Holland, New Zealand, France and Australia, as well as many new freinds and fans from all over the U.S. and Canada! The Dog Leg crew actually lost count of how many radio and TV interviews that they did that week, but they are certain that they were picked up by at least 5 new radio stations an this tour!
The Mechanical breakdowns. Not sure what to think of the town of Superior Montana, but Dog Leg Preacher is beginning the get quite familiar with this town. The first Sturgis trip the band broke down on the way to Sturgis in Superior, then this year they broke down on the way home, again in Superior Montana! This time it Started out with a tremendous shaking in the motorhome, it really felt peculiar, more like a vibration than a misfire, after a couple of stops to check it out the group decided to chance limping it in to town, well that only lasted a few miles up the road. Drummer Jon Fosdick who was riding behind the motor home suddenly got an unexpected shower of hot antifreeze! That was it, the water pump had actually sheared off of the front of the motor homes engine. So the band waited for several hours for a Tow truck, while Sound Engineer Cortley Everett, and Stage Manager Jeff Fosdick switched around trailers and made arrangements for the band to camp in the town of Superior. The following morning the band began the task of repairing the motorhome, and after 6 or so hours of work it was back together, and running, but not really well. So they set out that evening to limp it home. The were numerous other adventures between superior and home, but that is DLP filmed the entire tour, and all of these adventures plus many more will be available on their upcoming "Feel The Thunder Tour" documentary movie.
Dog Leg Preacher drummer Jon Fosdick looses a loved one and a finger! Well is would be nice if after returning from tour everything dropped right back into place, and things went as expected, however this is real life and that is not always the case. So we are sad to report that after returning home, Jon learned that his sister Cathy was just hospitalized with complications arising from her pulmonary hypertension. The situation was very grimm, as her kidneys were shutting down, and she was only expected to live for a matter of days. He was at least lucky enough to tell her goodbye while she was still coherent and could talk clearly. Jons sister Cathy passed on Saturday August 21st. To add to an already distressing situation Jon was unhooking and equipment trailer on the evening of Sunday August 22nd, when the trailer slipped loose from its jack and landed on his hand, crushing the pinkie finger on his right hand. After a quick trip to the emergency room, it was decided that the finger was not savable,and thus removed. It is unclear at this point what the missing finger will do to his drumming ability, but we will post is here when it becomes more clear.
Whats next? There seem to be lots of great new things right around the corner for Dog Leg Preacher, they have a full length movie to produce by the end of this year, and are planning to record another full length disc this fall. There is already a Grammy nominated producer looking to help out with this new disc, as well as hosts of radio stations waiting to play it. Despite all of the recent setbacks keep on checking in as many stories, photos and other great things from the tour will begin getting posted over the next several weeks!!!

Dog Leg Preacher's new album Abscess

Womens Spagetti stap tank tops


Dog Leg Preacher T Shirts
